iMacsoft DVD Ripper allows you to convert your DVDs into a lot of formats. The application uses conversion profiles to allow you to convert your movies to formats that play well on your mobile playback devices, such as phones, video game consoles, tablets, etc. There are profiles for iPods, iPhones, iPads, PSP and Playstation 3, mobile phones, Windows mobile phones, etc. Of course, there are also "common video formats" available. The major video formats are supported. This tool can also rip your DVD movies and convert them into audio or picture files.
The user interface is really nothing to call home about, but it still remains usable and rather intuitive. At the bottom of the screen are all the available profiles, and at the left of the screen the settings for those profiles. I like the fact that if your DVD has multiple titles, you can convert each title to a different format all in one process.
In my testing, I successfully converted a title of a DVD movie into an H.264 file from the iPad profiles. The file played great on both an iPad and iPhone. Of course, my PC could also play the file fine.
All in all, this is a great DVD ripper that is simple and works well.